
DJIRE Lab Hosts a Tour for ECS (UT and Texas A&M) Members

The Electrochemical Society (ECS) Texas A&M University Student Chapter welcomed the ECS members from University of Texas to a series of engaging lab tours and social activities. The members had the privilege to explore the DJIRE Lab (https://djire-lab.engr.tamu.edu) and Lutkenhaus Lab (https://jodielutkenhaus.wixsite.com/lutkenhaus-lab) from Chemical Engineering, as wells as Baker Lab (https://www.bakergrp.org) and Pentzer Lab (https://epentzer.wixsite.com/pentzerlab) from Chemistry. Each lab graciously showcased their groundbreaking research and cutting-edge facilities, providing a firsthand glimpse into their innovative work.

The event concluded with fun games and good food at the Jack E. Brown building, home to TAMU’s Department of Chemical Engineering.

Read more of this story here: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/laura-hoagland-248b77183

DJIRE Lab Members in 2024 Night at the Zach

The Electrochemical Society (ECS) Texas A&M University Student Chapter participated in Night at the Zach 2024 (https://txsef.tamu.edu/a-night-at-the-zach/), an event hosted by Texas A&M student organizations in preparation for the Texas Science and Engineering Fair (TXSEF).

During the event, ECS-TAMU Chapter President Laura Hoagland and fellow members Kelly Vernon, Alyssa Hash, and Wynn Miholits showcased engaging experiments to demonstrate the significance of electrolytes in both human bodies and batteries. One of the highlights was the demonstration of a simple zinc-copper cell generating electricity to illuminate a small LED light. Attendees had the opportunity to observe and compare the brightness of the LED using various electrolyte-filled sports drinks. This outreach initiative provided an insightful glimpse into the role of electrochemistry in our everyday lives.

Special thanks to TXSEF and SPARK! for organizing this enriching event!

DJIRE Summer Program

Are you interested in conducting groundbreaking research?

The DJIRE Lab at Texas A&M University is looking to recruit undergraduate students for a 10-week summer research education program.

  • Student will be provided the opportunity to network with individuals from other labs pertaining to research interests (https://djire-lab.engr.tamu.edu/research/)
  • Undergraduate will attend seminars pertaining to networking, presenting research, and the graduate school application process

Program dates and more information can be found in the application link: https://forms.gle/3hkS11EFXHWJjJf69

DJIRE Lab with Texas A&M’s Spark! Program 2023

The DJIRE Lab and the Ugaz Lab partnered with A&M’s Spark! Program (https://engineering.tamu.edu/outreach/index.html) to connect with STEAM Academy at Stribling Elementary (https://www.burlesonisd.net/stribling) (Burleson, TX) teachers learning more about Design Thinking and better ways to develop cross-curricular lessons for STEAM Academy students.

Denis Johnson gave a lab tour explaining how research is done in academia and how the Djire Lab is pushing the limits on developing carbon neutral processes. Laura Hoagland (from Burleson, TX) showed how batteries are made and tested in the lab. Then she gave a demonstration on making a battery from pennies the teachers could perform in their classrooms. 

The teachers learned how research can be applied to everyday items to encourage students to be curious in science, and the DJIRE Lab learned how to better educate younger students. Thank you to Jennifer Easterling from the Spark! program and the Ugaz Lab for helping organize this!

DJIRE Summer Program 2023

De’Zarae Guthrie

I am originally from Jamaica and currently I am pursuing an undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering (BioE concentration) at Prairie View A&M University. My research at Texas A&M centers around the use of two dimensional Mxenes as a catalyst to stimulate nitrogen reduction reactions through a process known as the MvK mechanism.

DJIRE Summer Program 2022

Mark Lee

I am currently a rising Sophomore in the Texas A&M Engineering Academy at Blinn College and I hope to pursue a Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University. The research that I am working on focuses on the electrochemical process of the nitrogen reduction reaction, using metal nitride (MXene) catalysts.

Wilfried Zagre

I am currently a senior chemical engineering student at Prairie View A&M University. My research focuses on the effect of Ru-doping on the OER and ORR performance of Ti3CN MXene.

DJIRE Summer Program 2021

Cullan King

I am a currently a rising Sophomore, pursuing a Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering along with a Minor in finance at Prairie View A&M University. My research in the Djire Lab at Texas A&M university focuses on spectroelectrochemistry, specifically the investigation of the application of metal nitride (MXenes) catalysts for nitrogen reduction reaction.

Jevaun Christie

I am currently an undergraduate chemical engineering student at Prairie View A&M University, and will graduate in May 2022. My research at Texas A&M focuses on testing the energy storage capabilities of 2D nitride MXenes, by studying ion intercalation into electrodes.

Mali, West Africa

Professor Djire, in his spare time, has spent time teaching children in a small village in Mali West Africa.

CHEN Fall 2020 Everyday Mass Transfer Video Concepts

  • This video highlights the work of undergraduate students illustrating Mass Transfer and Separation concepts in everyday life.
  • Number of student: 73
  • Student participation: 100%


Dr. Djire visited Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU)—his undergraduate institution. During his visit, he talked to students about graduate school, and promoted the participation of underrepresented minority groups in higher education.